Your Self-Perception Could Be Distorted

Your self-perception is a good indicator of how you will experience your life. I bet you, my dear reader, are successful, accomplished, and admired by the people around you. You may still feel like you haven’t entirely “made it” despite all appearances.

Consequently, you insist on working harder, doing more, and chasing a sense of achievement that always seems just out of reach. It’s the finish line that vanishes whenever you get too close, like a mirage on the highway.

Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. I have been right there with you. Trust me, I can slip on that slope all too easily, even now. SUPERPOWERS are super – but power doesn’t arrive without some challenges.

Self-perception is The Silent Shaper

So, at my age, I am about ready to go for it. You know what I am talking about, right? Those “Shaper” things. You wear them under your clothes; supposedly, they feel like silk. Underneath all that soft and gentle is a powerhouse of fabric pulling in, pushing out, and, if successful, shaping our bodies into something resembling healthy, thin, just NOT FAT!

Limiting Beliefs have a similar effect on our thoughts. Underneath all our busy thinking, planning, and worrying, they do their work. Quietly, they shape our self-perceptions, and we believe what they tell us. We buy the illusion. This goes on for years, even lifetimes.

Casual Definition of Limiting Beliefs

What are limiting beliefs?  They are the scripts we act out in our daily lives.

Limiting beliefs are the ropes we use to tie the knots around us that keep us bound.

Often subconscious, these beliefs are thoughts that whisper things like, “You know you are going to mess this up” or “Why didn’t you follow through with that idea years ago? It’s your fault you are in this situation – now you will live with it.”

( I collect limiting beliefs from clients and when teaching workshops.  I have nearly 100 of them – and the list keeps growing!)

They are the mental scripts we’ve picked up from past experiences, societal expectations, or even well-meaning advice. The problem is that these beliefs become part of our identity and dictate how we see ourselves and what we are capable of.

True Confessions

What ticks me off sometimes is that I know women who are, by some people’s standards, not all that and a bag of chips, and they do terrific. They see themselves as worthy, whatever worthy is supposed to mean.  Honestly, I don’t think they are consumed with thoughts of themselves.  They live with abandon. They laugh a lot. They enjoy other people, don’t seem to sweat the small stuff, and if I said my thoughts aloud- I think they live a charmed life.

Do you know why I think that – because they believe that!

How to Deal with the Limiting Beliefs of Your Self-Perception?


Our superpowers are rooted in our ability to see things differently—to become aware of ourselves in a new light. They invite inquiry and welcome our investigative skills. People using their superpowers own up to their lives. Victimhood is not attractive to them. They forgive themselves, and because they do, they can forgive others. Imagination is the active ingredient of superpowers.

Superpowers fuel our dreams and empower us to act and create the new life we want.