Let’s Write a New Story – Where You Are the Hero
Do you ever notice a peculiar replay happening in your life? You’re walking around with your internal Netflix series playing on repeat. You know, the one where you’re constantly cast as the character who “can’t,” “shouldn’t,” or “isn’t enough.”
You’re the person who tries to tackle health issues, but alas, it’s a sad ending. Maybe you’re working toward a promotion, only to find you’re, once again, passed over. (And you know you deserve the promotion, dang it!)
I love rewriting because that is where and how you discover the story. It’s like you have this skeleton, and you get to put flesh on it and hair and clothes … (Well-known author – Caroline Leavitt)
Plot Twist
Here’s the plot twist you’ve been waiting for: You’re not just the star of this show—you’re the writer, director, and producer!
Every morning, you wake up and unconsciously press play on the same old episodes. “I’ll start the diet tomorrow, “I’m not qualified enough for that promotion,” “What if I fail?“ These aren’t just random thoughts—they’re scripts you’ve inherited and recycled, season after season.
Your life reflects your deepest beliefs about what you can and cannot do.
Enough already. Grab a pen; you need to start writing something new.
How it Looks in Real Life
Does this sound familiar? You feel bloated, stuffed, and on fire with indigestion. Your clothes fit…three months ago. And most days, you’re bummed out by the reflection in the mirror. (Popular tactic: avoid the mirror altogether, am I right?)
Yet, despite the suffering and despair, the body issues persist. You’ve tried every new diet or trendy recommendation from friends, but the reruns keep playing: Binge – Bulge – Belittle – DIET.
Why? Why can’t you break the cycle?
You can. But as the popular saying goes (thank you, Albert Einstein), insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results. I call that RERUNS. The reruns include all the diets, trends, juices, workouts, carbs, no carbs, protein, only protein, eat-all-you-want buffets, and week-long cleanses on broth that smells like my son’s junior high socks.
You Are the Author of Your Life—You Can Edit the Show
What if you paused, picked up the red pen, and started editing? What if you could transform those self-limiting reruns into an award-winning narrative of growth, courage, and success?
You can. The key is to start from within before you expect results on the outside. The real work is understanding why the reruns happen and writing your new script.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting you slap on some toxic positivity or pretend life is perfect. Instead, recognize that while you can’t control every plot point, you can control how you frame, interpret, and respond to each scene.
You can cast yourself as the helpless extra or the resilient protagonist. (I say go for the hero protagonist!)
This is Possible for You
When you become the conscious author of your story:
- Instead of “I always mess this up,“ you write, “I’m learning and getting better.”
- Instead of “They’ll judge me,“ you pen, “I focus on my growth and enjoy my life as I live it.”
- Instead of “I can’t, you script, “I’m figuring out how I can.”
The best part? Your novel is not a fantasy novel.
Your life, with the richness and adventure of a heroine (hero), waits for you to write with intention and purpose. Every moment is a blank page, every challenge a chance to develop your character, and every setback an opportunity to write an unexpected comeback. YES!
Can you feel the power? Read the previous paragraph out loud and with conviction three times, and tell me you don’t feel your power!
Your Next Chapter
So, what will your next chapter tell us about you? More importantly, what will you tell yourself about you?
Here are some tools to help you get started:
- Schedule a free consult with me: Let’s spend an hour creating strategies unique to your situation.
- Download the Break Free From Limiting Beliefs Guide: Pick one action from the guide to start writing the life you want.
- Register for the upcoming Intuitive Journaling workshop. If you’re local to Bellingham, WA, join us to explore journaling techniques that uncover and rewrite old scripts. (And yes, I’m changing the workshop name for 2025—I’m always learning from my mistakes!)
Rewrite your story, edit the scripts, and enter your starring role. The next episode is yours to create.
The limitations we believe become the reality we experience. We can change that!