Limiting beliefs are those sneaky, self-imposed barriers that whisper in your ear, “You can’t do that,” or “You’re just not good enough.” They’re the thoughts that pop up when you’re about to take a risk or step out of your comfort zone, convincing you to stay put, play it safe, and avoid failure. These beliefs are often rooted in past experiences, cultural messages, or fear, and they can seriously hold you back from living the life you truly want.

Limiting beliefs are powerful until you understand they are only beliefs, not facts!

They are your beliefs so have the power to change them.

The first step is awareness

So, how do you start breaking free from these mental chains?

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. Start paying attention to the thoughts that crop up when you consider doing something new or challenging. Are they supportive and encouraging, or do they sound more like “I can’t,” “I shouldn’t,” or “I’m not enough”?

Do you notice old memories suddenly front and center in your thinking?  Perhaps, like me, you remember words spoken to you that had a big impact on your self-confidence when you were vulnerable to attack.

What if?

Another popular limiting belief indicator is the immediate “what if” when considering a new course of action.  Of course, what if can be very useful if you are doing a business analysis – but “what if ” on its own can stop you in your tracks. It is designed by limiting beliefs (or saboteurs as they are called in the Positive Intelligence world) themselves to accomplish just that.

When the “what if” does its job and you become paralyzed, unable to move forward, you reaffirm once again to yourself that it is an impossible task and that you should hang up your gloves. This is a fight you will never win.

The beginning of the end of your limitations

Once you spot these limiting beliefs, you’re already halfway to changing them. Recognizing that these beliefs are not absolute truths but perceptions that can be challenged and redefined is a game-changer. From there, you can reframe them into thoughts that empower you to grow, take action, and unlock your full potential.

If you have questions, please book a free conversation once you read the guide.

The limitations we believe become the reality we experience. We can change that!