What is Group Coaching?

Group  Coaching focusing on mindset offers a powerful solution to help you break free from limiting beliefs, unlock your potential, and transform your mindset—within a supportive community.

Unlike individual coaching, group coaching provides the added benefit of community support and shared growth. Through this collaborative process, you’ll gain insights from the coach and other participants navigating similar journeys. This collective energy helps foster motivation and accountability, ensuring everyone moves forward together.

Mindset Coaching is Right for You if:

Does one or more apply to you?

YOU feel it is what you need – you know better than anyone!

YOU feel stuck in a life you created, but it’s not the life you want for the future.

YOU are exhausted from trying to be all things to all people, and in the process, you have forgotten who you are!

YOU have a cluttered mind and often feel you run on autopilot.

YOU repeat mistakes – different town, different job – same problems.

YOU lack the confidence to face the challenges before you.

YOU want purpose – to know, feel, and live it.

YOU are bored silly with the same old, same old and want to start a new chapter,  no A NEW BOOK entitled “THE BRAND ADVENTURES OF SUPERPOWERED ME!”

Is Group Mindset Coaching Right For You?

  • Group coaching offers unique benefits that can enhance the personal growth journey in ways that individual coaching may not provide. One of the most significant advantages is the strong sense of community. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals working toward similar goals creates an environment of shared learning and support.
  • Another key benefit is peer learning. In a group setting, participants gain new perspectives by listening to others’ challenges, insights, and solutions. Someone else’s experience can often mirror your struggles, and seeing how they navigate similar situations can offer valuable lessons. Group members can share strategies, ideas, and resources that may come up outside of a one-on-one setting.
  • Group coaching encourages accountability. Not only does the coach help keep you on track, but the group acts as an accountability circle where each member checks in with their progress. Knowing others expect updates can encourage participants to stay committed and follow through on their goals.
  • Finally, group coaching is often more cost-effective, providing access to expert guidance at a lower price point than personal coaching. This is a practical option for individuals seeking transformation within a budget while maintaining a high-quality experience.


Group Coaching

  • Online—All group sessions are conducted online. Each attendee receives a calendar invite with a link to the session.

  • Shared Experience – You experience coaching in a group of 4 to 8 women.

  • Designated Programs – group sessions held several times yearly, but not on demand.

  • Designated Times—Coaching sessions are scheduled in advance, and there is no “make-up” session if you miss one. We do not record our sessions for confidentiality reasons.

  • Cost Effective – An economical solution for many, group coaching makes coaching possible when personal coaching may not be a viable option.

  • FUN! – Group coaching has group energy. With so many SUPERPOWERED women gathering together, Fun is bound to happen!

Personal Coaching

  • Online /In-Person – Personal coaching can happen in either setting. In-Person had additional fees.

  • Confidential – all sessions are exclusive and include only your coach and yourself.

  • Flexible Content – A coach can use different techniques and add or remove content best suited to the unique needs of the client,

  • Flexible Times—Personal coaching is available year-round, except for full client lists, which may require a wait time to begin.

  • Quality Investment – Personal coaching offers highly targeted coaching unique to that client warranting higher fees than group coaching.

  • FUN! – Personal coaching allows for a dynamic bond between the coach and client; SUPERPOWERS are celebrated.

How Will You Benefit from Mindset Coaching?

Investing in Personal Mindset Coaching can be transformative, impacting all areas of your life.

Increased Self-Awareness – Mindset coaching helps you become more conscious of your thought patterns and how they influence your behavior. This heightened awareness is crucial for making lasting changes.

Enhanced Confidence – Shifting limiting beliefs will strengthen your sense of self-worth and confidence, empowering you to take bold actions toward your goals.

Clarity and Focus – Reframing and determining your unique SUPERPOWERS will help you clarify your goals and prioritize what truly matters to you, eliminating distractions and confusion.

Resilience and Emotional Strength – Mindset coaching teaches you how to handle setbacks and challenges with a positive outlook, making you more resilient in the face of adversity.

Personal Growth – Ultimately, mindset coaching is about evolving into the version you want to be. It’s a transformative process that allows you to break free from old habits and create a life that reflects your true potential.

Ready for a Possibility Conversation?

If coaching sounds like it might be right on the money for you – let’s have an exploratory Possibility Conversation. It’s free. Plan for an hour. I can’t wait to meet you and explore the possibilities of your next adventure together.

How Is Coaching Different From Therapy?

Unlike traditional therapy, which may focus on reliving past events or general life challenges, mindset coaching focuses on your thought patterns and belief systems. It’s about unlocking your full potential by training your mind to work with you rather than against you.

You discover your full potential by training your mind (and thus subsequent actions) to work with you rather than against you.

Your mindset—the lens through which you see the world—shapes your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If your mindset is filled with doubt, fear, or self-sabotage,  meaningful progress in any area of life is difficult. Personal Mindset Coaching helps you recognize and shift those negative thought patterns, replacing them with empowering beliefs and strategies that align with your highest aspirations.