I worked for many years as a counselor, speaker, trainer, and leader. I was successful, and I loved the opportunity to serve the world and help others.

And then my life unraveled.

I failed at something I held dear, a value that went to the heart of who I am. After spending a few years smitten by it all, I began to look thoughtfully at why I failed.

I have long believed I am responsible for my reactions and actions, and blaming others imprisons me in my mess. So, the only way out of my self-imposed grief was to find my way forward.

How Could I Get Where I Wanted to Go From Where I Was?

To move in a new way forward, I had to learn about the stories that ran on autopilot in my head. I was triggered by memories, circumstances, comments, and perceived attitudes, all acting like a governor on a semi-truck, determining how fast I could go.

It was and remains a process. I had to be honest with myself, forgive myself and others, and rewrite the story of my life.

After coaching again for several years without a defined coaching business, I have launched Harmony Thiessen Mindset Life Coaching.

The Smell of a New Way Forward

You know that incredible smell of new cars, new leather, new homes, new shoes (lol!)?  Yep, new feels awesome. My world is brighter, life feels lighter, and I am, without apology, doing what I was born to do.  It feels great!

I Work With What I Know

People told me you must NICHE. Choose the people you feel you can help the most.

Hmmm. That seemed challenging, as I can help a lot of people.

I am a culinary nutritionist, so throw that in the mix. And how about art? I am an artist. How do I choose?

One morning, before dawn, I woke up knowing the answer. I will work with people who mirror what I have worked to address in myself: women who work too much, overcommit, overdo, and overachieve, and are always booked to the max. They give support, run, catch, lift, listen, and fix, all before lunch. (Lunch, what’s that?)

We lean this way because of background internal wiring. Stories we have believed—maybe but not necessarily since we were young.

Beliefs we have adopted as our own when they may or may not even resemble the truth.

But because we have put them in the mental file “TRUTH TO LIVE BY,” they run like software behind the scenes and govern everything we do.

More importantly – everything we think – about ourselves.

I Am On A Journey

So it’s all official now. It must be. I have a website! LOL

And a webinar that talks about selling yourself short.

And even a quiz to help people determine if they may have limiting beliefs.

My new story moves forward with the grace of unfettered joy and freedom. I am eager to start working with those who are ready to work with me.

And if you don’t mind me saying on this first official post since launching, – HOORAY!

Limiting beliefs are powerful until you understand they are only beliefs, not facts!

They are your beliefs so have the power to change them.

The limitations we believe become the reality we experience. We can change that!