Discover 15 ways to free up 15 minutes in your day to create a more balanced life.

Designed to assist those with the “TIME WARP” Limiting Belief: “I don’t have time, there is never enough time, or there are not enough hours in the day!”

Let’s get to work!  GIDDY UP! (SUPERPOWERS START NOW!)

  1. Wake Up 15 Minutes Earlier – Set the alarm just 15 minutes earlier to create quiet time in the morning.
  2. Delegate Household Chores – Assign one small task to a family member or roommate.
  3. Use a Meal Delivery Service—Order pre-made meals once a week to cut down on cooking or meal-prepping time.
  4. Batch Cook – Cook meals in bulk on weekends to avoid daily prep. (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
  5. Use Grocery Pick-Up or Delivery – Save time from in-store shopping by ordering groceries online.
  6. Limit Social Media Scrolling – Set a timer for social media use or eliminate it during breaks.
  7. Consolidate Errands – Group errands into one trip instead of spreading them throughout the week
  8. Automate Bills – Set up auto-payments for recurring bills to avoid monthly manual payments.
  9. Create a Daily To-Do List – Prioritize tasks to avoid wasting time on unimportant activities.
  10. Use Grocery Subscription Services– Automate repeat purchases for household staples.
  11. Listen to Podcasts/Audiobooks While Doing Chores – Multitask learning or self-care during mundane activities.
  12. Unsubscribe from Unnecessary Emails – Reduce email clutter to save time in your inbox.
  13. Limit TV Time– Skip one episode of a show or reduce TV watching time by 15 minutes.
  14. Set Timers for Tasks – Use a 15-minute timer to focus on a specific task instead of multitasking.
  15. Combine Workouts with Family Time – Take walks with family or friends to get exercise and bond.

BONUS! Schedule “Do Not Disturb” Time – Block 15 minutes of uninterrupted time daily FOR YOU!  Mark it in your agenda marked THERAPIST!

Each of these suggestions offers a small way to carve out time without dramatically changing your routine, and they can add up to significant savings over time.