What is Personal Mindset Coaching?

In a world filled with challenges, distractions, and constant change, it’s easy to feel stuck, uncertain, or disconnected from our desired life. Personal Mindset  Coaching is designed to help you break free from limiting beliefs. You will understand how to engage your SUPERPOWERS (who you dream to be) and transform your mindset to create the life you’ve always wanted.

Mindset Coaching is a one-on-one process that focuses on helping individuals identify, shift, and strengthen their mindset to empower them to achieve their goals.

Does This Sound Right?

Does one or more apply to you? YOU…

Feel it is what you need – you know better than anyone!

Feel stuck in a life you created, but it’s not the life you want for the future.

Are exhausted from trying to be all things to all people, and in the process, you have forgotten who you are!

Have a cluttered mind and often feel you run on autopilot.

Repeat mistakes – different town, different job – same problems.

Lack the confidence to face the challenges before you.

Want purpose – to know, feel, and live it.

Are bored silly with the same old, same old and want to start a new chapter,  no A NEW BOOK entitled “I GOT THIS – LIVING LIFE ON MY TERMS”.

How Do Personal Mindset Coaching Sessions Work?

First, we determine if we are a good fit to help you create the most impact. We start with a free “possibility conversation,” typically lasting 45 minutes to an hour. Before that call, I will send you a questionnaire to help me better understand what you hope to accomplish in our work together. That form will also allow you to ask me questions that are important for you to assess our compatibility.

Should we decide to continue, we will agree to the package of services.  Some people want to take an online course and mix it with coaching; some clients discover that the group coaching option is a better fit. Clients may prefer in-person or online sessions. Once I am familiar with your reasons for coaching, I can recommend the type of coaching I think would work best. These could include Recognizing and Reframing Limiting Beliefs, The Inner Critic and Self-Sabotage, SUPERPOWERS Become Me, or Cultivating a Growth Mindset.  Some situations are more customized but typically are based on one of these areas of study.

Note: As a nutritionist, I also offer shorter programs on MOOD FOOD, which support your new habits of thought with complementary foods and lifestyle choices.

personal mindset coaching session

The Actual Coaching Sessions

Each coaching session is tailored to meet your unique needs, but the process typically follows a proven structure to ensure you achieve your desired results. There is no hard, fast rule on how many sessions we spend on each step below, and they rarely operate in a linear path.

Coaching is conducted in a series format of three, six, or nine months. Clients can determine if they prefer sessions once weekly or every two weeks.

1. Initial Consultation – In the first session, I will ask questions to get to know you—your current challenges, your goals, and any obstacles standing in your way. This conversation helps lay the foundation for the coaching journey ahead and gives me a sense of your mindset and areas where support is needed.

2. Goal Setting—One of the main focuses of mindset coaching is clarity. It involves decluttering your mind’s preoccupation with old stories and mental video re-runs and deciding where to go from now on.  I will support you in identifying what you truly want to achieve: personal growth, career advancement, relationship improvement, increased confidence, or creating a future you want to show up for. These goals will act as your roadmap throughout the coaching process.

3. Uncovering Limiting Beliefs – I will help you identify the limiting beliefs, fears, and mental blocks holding you back. These could be deeply ingrained thoughts like, “I’m not good enough,” or “They don’t know how unequipped I am.”  There are so many to choose from! Awareness of these blocks is the first step in overcoming them.

4. Reframing Your Mindset—Once the barriers are identified, the real work begins. We will work through mindset shifts, and you will learn how to reframe negative thought patterns into positive, empowering, and productive ones. You’ll learn practical techniques to overcome self-doubt, increase resilience, and embrace a growth-oriented mindset.

5. Action Planning and Accountability – Mindset shifts are only meaningful when paired with action. You will develop a personalized action plan to apply what you’ve learned, and I am there to help along the way. Each session builds on the last, with your coach holding you accountable for taking consistent steps toward your goals.

6. Ongoing Support – I may provide additional resources, exercises, or reflections to keep you moving forward between sessions. During our contracted arrangement, you are free to contact me by email, and I usually can get back to you within one day.  Personal Mindset Coaching is an ongoing journey that adapts to your progress and continues to challenge you as you grow.

How Will You Benefit from Mindset Coaching?

Investing in Personal Mindset Coaching can be transformative, impacting all areas of your life.

Increased Self-Awareness – Mindset coaching helps you become more conscious of your thought patterns and how they influence your behavior. This heightened awareness is crucial for making lasting changes.

Enhanced Confidence – Shifting limiting beliefs will strengthen your sense of self-worth and confidence, empowering you to take bold actions toward your goals.

Clarity and Focus – Reframing and determining your unique SUPERPOWERS will help you clarify your goals and prioritize what truly matters to you, eliminating distractions and confusion.

Resilience and Emotional Strength – Mindset coaching teaches you how to handle setbacks and challenges with a positive outlook, making you more resilient in the face of adversity.

Personal Growth – Ultimately, mindset coaching is about evolving into the version you want to be. It’s a transformative process that allows you to break free from old habits and create a life that reflects your true potential.

Ready for a Possibility Conversation?

If coaching sounds like it might be right on the money for you – let’s have an exploratory Possibility Conversation. It’s free. Plan for an hour. I can’t wait to meet you and explore the possibilities of your next adventure together.

How Is Coaching Different From Therapy?

Unlike traditional therapy, which may focus on reliving past events or general life challenges, mindset coaching focuses on your thought patterns and belief systems. It’s about unlocking your full potential by training your mind to work with you rather than against you.

You discover your full potential by training your mind (and thus subsequent actions) to work with you rather than against you.

Your mindset—the lens through which you see the world—shapes your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If your mindset is filled with doubt, fear, or self-sabotage,  meaningful progress in any area of life is difficult. Personal Mindset Coaching helps you recognize and shift those negative thought patterns, replacing them with empowering beliefs and strategies that align with your highest aspirations.